Harassing the Nose….

My younger sister, the Nose, is coming in town.

Never let it be said that I passed an opportunity to harass a younger sister when the situation presented itself. One is never too old, or too mature, to practice this ritualistic behavior practiced throughout the generations. Of course, the benefit of sightseeing with a local is the opportunity to experience the hidden gems within a location.

I have a special few picked just for her….

The Nose has always enjoyed a good game of dress up, especially when role play is involved. Sometimes even an old pro needs a spark to reignite the imagination. For this, I have put together a tour of the Maid Cafes in Akihabara. Women, and some men, dress up in various iterations of the serving wench. And sometimes bunnies. (I haven`t discovered the link between these yet) The maids can be naughty or nice depending on their fancy for or against you. I have arranged for the Nose to drink a specially concocted foul cocktail guaranteed to bring on the heaves followed by a well delivered slap in the face by her maid of choice. I hope she finds revelation in the variety of costumes and personas on display. My little gift….

Cos-Cha Maid Cafe

The Nose loves a good meal, and what better place to appreciate Japanese food than at the Nissin Ramen Museum? My personal suggested starting point is the “Ramen in Space” exhibit. Tang Instant Orange Drink and Ramen- um um good.

Momofuko Ando Instant Ramen Museum

Followed by a dramatic presentation of the weekend box office blockbuster “Ramen” in the ramen cup. I mean theater. I`m hoping to be shaken and stirred.

Armed with perfected knowledge in the art of preparing the instant ramen noodle, she will be able to share her new-found knowledge with friends and family at picnics, backyard barbeques and Tupperware parties every where.

Immediately following the Ramen Exhibit is The Meguro Parasitological Museum. Home to a 30 foot tapeworm removed from a local man`s stomach as well as an exhibit of one`s brain on parasites:

I can only hope the Nose`s personal experiences removing stringy and shedding parasites from the nether regions of her own children and animals does not diminish this experience.

I briefly entertained the idea of the Tokyo Ice Bar but given every city with a space needle has one it seemed too contrived.

Ice Bar Tokyo

Actually, the Nose is quite selective when choosing a drinking establishment requiring it contain a certain ambiance, even decor- suited to her unique set of interests. I`ve found just the place. The Alcatraz bar. It`s not just a prison. It`s also a hospital. For the true adventure seeker in bar hopping. Which activity do you think she would enjoy more- a prison break or kidnapping?

Alcatraz Shibuya

If the Nose gives me any lip, I`ll leave her at the Hello Kitty Theme park for the day.

When traveling it`s nice to get a home cooked meals. I`ve perfected a new dish which will certainly tickle her palate. Post Larvae on rice.

I CAN`T wait until she gets here…..

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29 Responses to Harassing the Nose….

  1. OMG Larvae on rice
    I still remmeber the time you took your Mother out to dinner and presented her with the most disgusting things. I think the NOSE is getting off light with the rice and other activities. I now know why you decided not to go to flower arranging classeses LOL 🙂


  2. jessica w. says:

    I just hope that if you move- I never have to come visit you.



  3. You sister is in for the trip of her lifetime. I say leave her at the Hello Kitty theme park…ha ha (okay, the larvae thingie, it looks kind of like rice with eyes, and I don’t know, it appeals to me in a weird sick way)
    Oh ugh about the brain photo…aaaaaack!!!!
    You’ve got me pondering the connection between serving wenches and bunnies…*goes to ponder*


  4. Why am I guessing she lets you off easier when you come to Kentucky? Poor Nose. Tell her I said hi.


  5. Ann Chiodo says:

    A) I am glad that I’m not your sister
    B) I will never come and visit you..u come here
    C) How did you get so mean? I never thought of you like this?!
    D) Have a great time..I would love to do that to my sister too!!!!


  6. Tori Nelson says:

    Main bunnies and prison hospital cocktails and brain bugs, oh my! If your sister isn’t up for it, I’m just weird enough to think this sounds like one pretty awesome vacation 🙂


  7. jacquelincangro says:

    Not the Hello Kitty museum! Noooo! Out of all of your planned “adventures” this one hurts the most.


  8. Tokyo Jinja says:

    Great to see you are feeling funny again!


  9. The nose says:

    Is it too soon to tell you
    that “I Hate You!!!!!!…….MOM!!!!

    Oh my God, the parasites are already giving me nightmares. What did me and a little houseboat trip in our pastoral bluegrass state ever do to you???

    Apparently “the freaks come out at night” in Tokyo and most surrounding prefectures. I know what you are going to say, “well you should feel right at home!!”


  10. The Tourist says:

    Ha!HA! HA! I Don’t get nearly the abuse that the Nose gets!!!!!! I can’t wait to see all this crazy shit on my trip:)


  11. Dana says:

    Larvae on rice… I’ll have nightmares for weeks.


  12. Juligan says:

    You have managed to find a Tokyo I’ve never seen!!


  13. Pingback: Hey from Japan – Notes on Moving – THE JAPAN BLOG DIRECTORY

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